*** ENJOY – enerGy – SAFELY ***

Your and my own health are precious to me. Therefore, complaince with phyisical distancing and hygiene regulations play an essential part in all enerGy-Treatments. All necessary measures are in place, however, in cases of high risk factors all my services are available over distance also, providing full energetic benefits for body, mind and soul. For further details and appointments please contact me on 0676 492 4931 or gerda@energy-praxis.at.

ALL enerGy treatments available in English!

Stress related symptoms like sleeplessness, weariness, indigestion, tension etc. are usually just the tip of the ice berg, especially if you experience them on a regular basis. The human body is usually well equipped for performing countless activities every day. However, when working hours constantly increase while recreation is cut short, your “batteries” will get little chance to fully recharge. Soon your immune system will suffer and you will become prone to illnesses such as burn out.

Respecting your body´s limitations and honouring your own personal needs is the best way of finding your balance in life. enerGy is the perfect path to inner harmony peppered with delicious breaks, high power and new impulses.

Following Oscar Wilde´s motto “Be yourself! Everyone else is already taken.” I have been supporting people in reclaiming their physical strength and developing a healthy sense of well-being for themselves for more than ten years.

My professional training and expertise include holistic techniques such as Reiki, Touch for Health, Educational kinesiology, meditation and others more. All of them will enable your mind and body to relax deeply and build up a new and sustainable level of energy. Should you be interested in digging deeper and wish to reconnect with your feelings a Journey might be just the thing for you to undertake. This highly potent process will help you discover and dissolve the true sources of your physical, emotional and professional challenges.


For further information regarding my events please see 'Termine'

If you have questions or need more information contact me directly on info(at)energy-praxis.at
